Friday, December 29, 2017

Cyborg's Digest (28/12/2017)


China will extend a tax rebate on hybrid and electric cars purchases until the end od 2020 to move away from the combustion engines.

Space exploration

Previously unseen asteroid (with 7-15 meters diameter), that was first identified on Christmas Day, flown between the Earth and the Moon in distance of 225000 kilometers.

Falcon Heavy was moved to launch pad for fir checks and then back to the store.

Progress MS-06 cargo spaceraft has finished its mission after 196 days in space after departure and fire re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere.

Fortunately, communication with AngoSat, which was launched from the Baikonur spaceport on December 26, was restored.

Anyway, because of this issue, and failed launch at the end of November, Russian authorities require an analysis of the situation in the space industry.