Machine learning could reduce testing, improve treatment for intensive care patientsNew AI can detect urinary tract infections
Artificial intelligence applied to the genome identifies an unknown human ancestor
Researchers use robot to recreate movement of 290-million-old creature that existed before dinosaurs
A robot dog has learned to run faster with machine learning
Grocery robots detect spills - with some far-off human help
Algorithm gives robots an instinctive understanding of how to use tools
Grocery robots detect spills - with some far-off human help
Algorithm gives robots an instinctive understanding of how to use tools
Virtual reality haptic “smart suit” uses AI with biometrics to simulate real-world environmentsAlgorithms
Numenta publishes breakthrough theory for intelligence and cortical computationThe technique that taught AI to play Go still can’t teach a car to drive
Measuring AI's ability to learn is difficult
Curse of Dimensionality
Automated machine learning: Using AI to build better AI
Where is George? Ask this software to look at the crowd